Sunday, June 9, 2013

Project Chronicle

In this post I am introducing a new cool tool from Autodesk Labs "Project Chronicle".

"Project Chronicle is a free technology preview from Autodesk Research that makes it extremely convenient and easy for users to capture, share, and learn from software workflows. Project Chronicle consists of a recording utility to capture recordings, and a website that displays the recordings as Chronicles, interactive video tutorials. The videos can be shared publicly or set to private, so that they can be used as internal training materials for a private office or classroom." (Project Chronicle Page)

The tool is free (Download here) and it is integrated with Revit and Autocad. I have created a sample video using this tool to show how it works.

Here are the steps to make this video:

1- Run Chronicle and choose the application that you want to screen record. As it is mentioned before, Chronicle is integrated with Autocad and Revit to track the user clicks and create a table of content automatically.

2- Record your video. When you finish the recording part, Chronicle opens a new window where you can edit your recording. In the current version you can only delete the parts that you do not want in your video.

3- Save and upload your video. 

4- Go to Chronicle website and log in with your user name and password and change the privacy of the video to publish it. 

5- You can embede your video in your blog or website by copying the html code using "embed" button bellow your video after you publish your video. Here is the sample video that I made to test:

Friday, February 15, 2013

Revit 2013 gbXML Export to Ecotect Problem

I have tried to export gbXML file fro Revit and open it in Ecotect, DDS-CAD Viewer and I received errors saying that it cannot be opened. Here is the error that I have received in Ecotect:

"Warning: IFC support is only at beta stage in this release. Whilst detailed geometry should import, ifcSpace data and complex curves may not transform correctly."

Since Ecotect reads UTF-8 and  Revit 2013 exports in UTF-16 format, Ecotect throws this exeption about icf.

How to solve this problem: Open your xml file with Notepad. In the file menu, Encoding change it to UTF-8 and then save your file. The following image shows this process.

Hope it works for you too.